Claims Error Information Management

PARADIGM’s Claim Error Information manager performs many valuable and time-saving functions to help you automatically file clean claims and repair denials.

Our CEI is a vital component in our electronic claim process. As claims are batched in PARADIGM prior to submission, the CEI checks for and identifies problems that would cause the claim to be rejected or denied. Using the CEI’s interactive system, you easily and quickly repair the problems and then submit the batch.

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Many competitors tout their fee-based claims repair service that allows you to see and repair claims errors online. PARADIGM’s CEI is superior to these services for three important reasons:


  1. PARADIGM’s CEI checks for errors before the claim batch is sent. The others’ systems require you to transmit the batch and then wait until they have posted the errors online before you can repair them. This simply delays the processing of your claims and receipt of your payments.

  3. When using the competitor’s online service, if you are to correct the data that caused the error in your practice management system, you must go back into your system and correct the information there again. This doubles your work.

  5. With PARADIGM’s CEI, not only does the interactive manager take you exactly to the field that requires attention and tell you what the problem is, it also saves the corrected data in PARADIGM at the same time! Each time you process claims, the CEI continually helps improve your system to the point that error-causing data is reduced to a minimum.
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